Veronica & Stefano
16 settembre 2012
Sono passati 4332 giorni dal nostro matrimonio


  • Messaggio di: Ciclone
    21/05/2012 alle 02:39
    Ciao a tutti
  • Messaggio di: Elisabetta
    11/07/2012 alle 19:30
    Sono felice ed emozionata come se si sposasse mia figlia....è uno stato d'animo mai provato prima, in occasione degli "enne" matrimoni a cui ho partecipato, più o meno coinvolta emotivamente. Ma stavolta si sposa la mia Veronica, che ho conosciuto giovanissima ed acerba (seppure giá tosta e determinata), oggi donna compiuta e piena di qualità, e, insomma, se vedrete una piangere come e più della mamma, beh, quella sarò io!
  • Messaggio di: Angela
    23/07/2012 alle 19:07
    Bella la mia ver . Meraviglioso il sito solo tu potevi . Particolare simpatico.come te ,voi . Non ti dico che emozione ,vederti crescere e oggi donna, che donna, ti voglio bene e vi auguro tutto il meglio .angela
  • Messaggio di: TymNhooknon
    19/01/2013 alle 16:54
    dpqtjchnjwfqjhtsowddagmqsqjcqnjebgx [url=]payday loans[/url] kpgrzruizsibgdkjqolwkbqmmjqpfjzmnuioicgssf
  • Messaggio di: Doxdrarobub
    26/02/2013 alle 05:08
    By boosting your minutes or sign up for a large minutes plan, so you will never again ought to monitor you time about the phone. There are two types of title loans often known as pink slip loans that you will get. * Credit Card: For those with plenty available credit, using a card for roof repairs is often a good option. The amount borrowed is determined with the resale worth of your vehicle, so you get to keep your automobile. [url=]car title loans[/url]
    You need not concern yourself with many payments and you can pay the credit off rapidly to save for the interest. Typically, when you get into credit arrangement, you'll need to give up some type of collateral. [url=]car title loans online sodggact[/url] Secured bills, for example second mortgages and title car loans, provide lowest interest cost, while unsecured debts, including charge card payday loans, payday, and signature debts is only able to offer convenience. The borrowers have to become careful regarding the interest rates which should not rise above 3% per month.
    While searching to get a car loan, make sure that your lender company doesn't impose any prepayment penalty, just in case you decide to pay the credit earlier than its term. It is good to evaluate their programs and compare the rates offered. [url=]car title loans los angeles[/url] Anyone who owns an automobile usually can be eligible for a a cash title loan.

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